ASTRA Tailoring team up with an Hong Kong artist, Vvnho, to create the clothing called <Reminiscence.追> for 2019s/s collection. Inspiring by two of her painting: “Forever is a lie, always” and “The lovers, the dreamers and me”.Focusing on the combination between pastel and mixed media, the narrative of the picture relies more on the story telling and integrity, thus guiding the public tore ect on life in Hong Kong, culture, society and humanity.
“Forever is a lie, always”
“The lovers, the dreamers and me”
“Inspired by Vivian’s melancholic Art, ASTRA Tailoring created – Reminiscence to reply the painting collection “Forever is a lie, always “. Chasing after the exact moment of bliss, the outfits stand with hong kongers to capture every split second of life, longing towards hope.